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Position letters sent to the Legislature

The California Legislature maintains a “Position Letter Portal” for the purpose of receiving position letters from individuals and organizations on bills that are currently in process; that is, are being heard by the Committees and Assembly and Senate.

Unfortunately this is a one way street. You can send but you cannot receive. It would be very valuable for us as advocates for better telecommunications policy to have all the position letters that have been filed on a given bill.

I have asked the Rules Committee (Mike Erke and Deborah Gravert) yesterday (July 2, 2021) to make it so that anyone can read and download all the position letters and emails sent to any committee on any bill. I said they should be searchable on several fields such as the bill number, text of the bill, bill’s author, name of the individual or organization that filed the letter, etc. We shall see. This request has been made before by a friend of mine and the Legislature ignored it.

On July 2, 2021 I filed a request for electronic copies of all position letters and emails that the Local Government Committee and the Communications and Conveyance Committee (of the Assembly) has received on any of these bills in the current legislative session: SB 556, AB 537, SB 378, SB 28, and AB 955. (There are other telecom bills out there too.)

Here is a copy of those letters and a blank form for requesting records from the Legislature or its committees. Mike Erke in the Assembly Rules Committee told me weeks ago to use this form, and that the California Public Records Act does not apply to the Legislature.

I plan to publish the records that I receive through those requests here. Come back and visit!

Good luck all!