May 11, 2019
Elk Grove residents,
Mark your calendars to attend a health information event on EMF and 5G to be held June 11 at Elk Grove City Hall from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Do you know about electromagnetic fields (EMF) and what they can do to your health? How to measure them, identify the source, and shield them or reduce your exposure? We are exposed to EMF from cell towers, cell antennas, cell phones, smart utility meters, wifi, baby monitors, etc. Some are involuntary exposure and some are voluntary.
Attend a free community health information event at City Hall in Elk Grove, 8400 Laguna Palms Way. There will be a presentation on these issues, a panel discussion, and opportunity for questions and answers. Learn what you need to know to protect your family’s health.
5G is the 5th generation of cell antennas, which are faster and more powerful than 4G which we have now. The purpose of 5G is to sell more data. The things that use the most data are videos and gaming.
The City of Elk Grove is currently working on bringing 5G cell antennas to our City. They would be installed (4G and 5G) on light poles and utility poles in the public right of way. The question is where? Will the City allow these in residential neighborhoods, near parks and schools?
The range of a 5G cell antenna is over 2,000’ according to Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam. They don’t need to be any closer than that. The Cities of Petaluma and Mill Valley, among others, have protected their residents against the harmful impacts of cell antennas by keeping them out of residential neighborhoods.
A Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist and Building Biology Environmental Consultant and graduate of the IEEE-accredited radio frequency safety officer course will give a presentation.
For the panel we have also invited representatives of the wireless companies and a medical doctor with 30 years experience treating breast cancer patients. One or more panel members may participate via teleconference.
What: community health information event
When: Tuesday, June 11, 2019 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Where: Elk Grove City Hall, Council Chambers, 8400 Laguna Palms Way, Elk Grove, California 95758
Format: presentation followed by panel discussion with questions from the audience
A certified electromagnetic radiation specialist (EMRS) who has worked for clients nationwide detection, measuring, assessing risk levels and providing solutions to reducing exposure to radio frequency radiation (RFR) and other forms of EMF/EMR will give a slide presentation on the subject of electromagnetic radiation produced by different sources including cell phones and cell antennas, the health impacts of EMR exposure, and how a person can measure and partially shield this radiation or otherwise reduce one’s exposure.
If she is able to participate the doctor’s presentation will be about the scientific research on health impacts of exposure to RFR.
Panel discussion: The panel discussion will give our panel members the opportunity to present their views and information and to answer questions from the audience.
For more information write to
Take control of your health. Information plus action is power. Protect your family.

Mark Graham