Starting on June 2, 2020 in response to a letter sent in by Modena Way resident Mrs. Diane Saetern on behalf of herself and dozens of her neighbors, who live across the street from Monterey Trail High School where the City and AT&T want to install a new 4G and 5G cell antenna, the Elk Grove Unified School District (EGUSD) reached out to the City to ask about getting those cell antennas withdrawn. This pages shows the key emails and highlights the key excerpts or statements.
The point is that the City can and does respond to requests from the school District regarding cell antenna placement. The August 30 newsletter includes a sample letter you can personalize and send to the school board asking it to take a position opposed to cell antennas near schools and in particular to ask the City to get AT&T and Verizon to withdraw 2 approved but not yet permitted new cell antennas at Cosumnes Oaks H.S. and Elizabeth Pinkerton Middle School.
The City loves to say they have no choice and no control, but as these emails show it is not true. They are just avoiding their responsibility, passing the buck, and doing the wrong thing. More pressure is needed from Elk Grove residents, people like you!
Kim Williams, the Planning Manager in Facilities, corresponded with Jeff Werner, the Engineering Services Manager at the City. Following are key excerpts from that correspondence.
Kim Williams email to Jeff Werner June 2, 2020
“Jeff, Thanks again for your time today. One last thing we want to mention… The proposed (approved) small cell tower on Big Horn located right next to a 2-story classroom building. So, if the EMFs are stronger at the antenna level, it could be problematic for the students in the classrooms on the second story. It appears that the antenna would be less than 50 feet from the classrooms.”

Jeff Werner to Kim Williams June 4, 2020
“I have not heard back from AT&T regarding any information they have to support placing near schools.”

Kim Williams to Jeff Werner June 4, 2020
“I believe there is a good possibility the District will request the one so close to the Laguna Creek HS Science classroom building be located elsewhere, but we will let you know for sure ASAP.”

Jeff Werner to Kim Williams July 14, 2020
“Hi Kim, Last week I had discussions with AT&T regarding the 2 locations near schools. . We discussed options for moving forward including selecting alternative locations, postponing installation at the current approved locations, and moving forward with the current locations. They are currently weighing their options and I am hopeful to hear from them by the end of the week. If not I will follow up.”

Kim Williams to Jeff Werner July 20, 2020
“Hi Jeff, As I mentioned to you before, the community activists have now contacted the Teacher’s Union, and have raised their awareness/concerns.”
“We recognize that you have been working with AT&T on this and have requested that they consider relocating the antennas near LCHS and Harris MS.”

Jeff Werner to Kim Williams July 21, 2020
“Hi Kim, I heard back from AT&T. They have decided to remove the location adjacent to Laguna Creek HS from their ISP application. They will revise and resubmit for a new pole across the street from the current location.”
“As for the location across the parking lot from Ed Harris/Monterey Trail, they are proceeding with the approved location as is.”

Kim Williams to Jeff Werner July 21, 2020
“Thank you very much Jeff. Good news on the Laguna Creek HS location! I will let you know if anyone has any questions and/or if they are ok with the Harris location proceeding as is.”