Dear *|FNAME|*,
There is only one request in this newsletter. Please take the City of Elk Grove's Resident Survey and ask for changes in the City's cell antenna policy. Scroll down to where it says, "Resident Survey."
If you already took the City of Elk Grove's Resident Survey and asked for changes in the City's cell antenna policy thank you! Your reward is this Children's Health Defense newsletter describing what they are doing to fight for us. They have sued the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to force FCC to honestly assess the scientific evidence that shows that the FCC's current EMF exposure limits are way too high and must be lowered.
We have an opportunity to get the issue of the cell antenna policy back on the City Council's agenda. In a word this opportunity is through our new Mayor, Bobbie Singh-Allen.
On Tuesday I met with Mayor Singh-Allen in the park. Good meeting. She gets it and is willing to work with us to change the City’s cell antenna policy.
The Mayor recommended that we fill out the City’s Resident Survey to tell them we want changes to the City’s cell antenna policy. She needs lot of residents to say that.
There is a link to that survey on the City's site. Scroll down to where it says, "Resident Survey." There is room to write after questions 6 and 8.
The Resident Survey asks, "6.What other initiatives would you prioritize for the City?" and, "8.Are there additional projects or activities you think the City should prioritize?"
Ask the City to keep cell antennas away from schools, to provide direct notice to residents of proposed new cell antenna sites and opportunity for input on decisions, to disclose all the exclusions in the wireless companies' insurance policies, and to require wireless companies to use the minimum amount of power necessary for calls and texts. And whatever else you want. Be creative and ask the City to also.
Will you fill in that survey? And ask 2 of your friends or neighbors to take it too? The deadline is Friday, January 29 at midnight.
This will give the Mayor the political support that she needs to say to the rest of the Council, "Our residents have asked us to change the City's cell antenna policy. Let's do it."
We are a small group of people in a city of 170,000 people, so every person counts. Your voice counts!
Last thing: please email me your responses to questions 6 and 8. Mark (woo woo wooo woooo! skip this part) a t keepcellantennasaway (woo woo wooo woooo skip this part too) do t org
Best wishes,
Mark Graham
Executive Director
Keep Cell Antennas Away From Our Elk Grove Homes
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