Scroll down on this page for a letter you can email the EGUSD Board of Trustees to prevent new 4G and 5G cell antennas near these two schools.
In the Master License Agreements with AT&T and Verizon the City of Elk Grove has approved, but has not yet permitted, new 4G and 5G cell antennas at or near these two public schools.
We ask the Elk Grove Unified School District to intervene on behalf of 4 more schools just as the District intervened on June 2 on behalf of Monterey Trail HS, Edward Harris MS, and Laguna Creek HS. The District can intervene by contacting the City and asking the City to persuade AT&T and Verizon to drop these sites from their permit applications or by contacting the companies directly.
The following map is a screen shot from the City’s interactive map from its cell antenna web page. These 2 approved but not yet permitted new cell antennas are marked with orange circles with cross hairs, one at the top right and one at the top left of this image.

City Street Light # | Licensee | On Street | Nearest Cross Street | Location | Nearest Address |
SL26051P | ATT | Whitelock Pkwy | Bellaterra Dr | 298′ W/O Bellaterra Dr | 9983 Ferragamo Way |
SL036521 | VERIZON | Franklin High Rd | Whitelock Pkwy | 335′ S/O Whitelock Pkwy | 10073 Mosaic Way |
Public comments sent using the school board’s web form by 4:30 will be read aloud or, as in July, read the names of the people who sent in supporting comments (on the same subject).
Here is the link to the school board meeting for September 15.
Scroll down to where it says this and click on it.
“Submit a public comment for the September 15, 2020 Board Meeting.”
That will take you to the Board meeting public comment form. (click that hyperlink)
Your message can be up to 3 minutes long. They read the first 3 minutes of messages that they read aloud during the board meeting.
Also, you can email the Trustees (school board members). Of course there is no time limit.
Please send this sample letter to the Board of Trustees and Superintendent Hoffman. Their email addresses are:,,,,,,,,,
Please send a bcc to me at Mark at (skip this part) keepcellantennasaway dot (skip this part) org
Here is a letter you can personalize and send.
Dear Trustees, Superintendent Hoffman and Deputy Superintendent Pierce,
My name is [your name] and I live in Elk Grove.
[If you can say this] My child attends [name the school(s) that your child or children attend.]
The school district has an obligation to provide a safe and healthy environment for all students.
As you know the City of Elk Grove, AT&T and Verizon have agreed to install new 4G and 5G cell antennas near several District schools. These schools are Monterey Trail High School, Edward Harris Middle School, Laguna Creek High School, Cosumnes Oaks High School, Elizabeth Pinkerton Middle School, Franklin High School and Toby Johnson Middle School. This information was only made public on August 25 when the City finally published the street addresses of the 37 City owned light poles that the City approved in 2019 as new cell antenna sites.
The City did not notify parents, schools, or the District about these plans before agreeing to them in writing.
Unfortunately new cell antennas near schools are a bad idea. They would distract students from their classes and extracurricular activities. Students will become addicted to constant cell phone use.
Also, thousands of studies show health effects from long term exposure to cell tower and cell antenna electromagnetic radiation. These health effects include headaches, tinnitus, insomnia, learning and memory deficits, nervous system effects, reproductive system effects, and cancer.
The range of a 4G cell antenna is well over a mile. The range of a 5G cell antenna is over 2,000’ according to Verizon. AT&T and Verizon chose these City light poles near schools as antenna sites because they know that students will use them. Simply put they are targeting students.
There are several things the District can do about this. Intervene on behalf of each of these schools both by asking the City to persuade the companies to withdraw the cell antennas at these schools from their list of approved sites and by contacting the companies directly to make that request. The District is an advocate for the schools, teachers and students, and can have an effect on City and company decisions by being an effective advocate. In fact the District is the ONLY body that can advocate for all of the schools it represents. The City has shown that it is receptive to the District’s recommendations and requests on cell antenna placement.
The board can also pass a resolution taking a position opposed to new cell antennas near schools and asking the City to not approve any more new cell antenna sites within 1,500’ of a school, and to amend the municipal code to require that minimum distance.
Thank you for acknowledging this growing problem and doing what is right for the schools.
Please respond to this message.
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