Pictures taken on September 3, 2020 showing the City light poles that the City, AT& and Verizon have approved as future sites of new 4G and 5G cell antennas. The City has not yet issued permits. There is still time to prevent or change this.
See also my newsletter of August 31, 2020 on this.
Photo of City light pole SL8000085. The City says the nearest address is 9921 Winkle Circle.

Close up of the same light pole showing the “Wolfpack” banner in the background.

City light pole just north of Cosumnes Oaks High School on Lotz Parkway West of Wolfpack Lane. Pole SL8001847. The City says the nearest address is 9789 Allen Ranch Way.

Close up showing pole number 8001847

Just west of that City light pole is the COHS football stadium.

Just south of City light pole 8001847 is the COHS parking lot and administration building.

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