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Protect Franklin High School from new 4G and 5G cell antennas

September 14, 2020 Newsletter
Keep Cell Antennas Away From Our Elk Grove Homes
(a grassroots campaign that derives its strength from you!) 


August 31, 2020




Elk Grove Unified School District stonewalling on new cell antennas

Rep. Thomas Suozzi slams FCC on federal overreach

Take Action today


Write to the Elk Grove school board to prevent new 4G and 5G cell antennas near schools.


Write to California’s U.S. Senators and Rep. Ami Bera to pressure the FCC.

Unstoppable with Zen Honeycutt


Remote Learning and Radio Frequency Radiation from Moms Across America.


How to use this newsletter

How to use this newsletter

City Council meetings and public comments


Questions?  Suggestions?  Feel free to send your ideas and offers to help!

From the City of Elk Grove interactive map showing approved new 4G and 5G cell antenna locations on City owned street lights.  



Dear Reader,

A friend of mine told me that nobody reads long newsletters.  Is that true?  In case it is this newsletter is shorter.  Most of the content is on my website and you’ll have to click to get to it. 

We need to keep up the pressure on the school board. Getting their attention was only a start. No school board or city or county takes action on the first request. They need to be persuaded with pressure. People power, as in more people making the same request, repeatedly, until they do it. This newsletter has a letter you can send asking the board to prevent new 4G and 5G cell antennas at or near schools.  The next school board meeting is Tuesday, September 15.

This letter reiterates our previous request that the District intervene on behalf of Cosumnes Oaks HS and Elizabeth Pinkerton MS and also asks the District to intervene on behalf of Franklin HS and Toby Johnson MS.  The City, AT&T and Verizon are planning new 4G and 5G cell antennas at each of these schools. 

There is also a sample message you can send to our Senators and Representative in Washington about the FCC and 4G and 5G cell antenna policy, with instructions.

Thank you for taking action. Together we are stronger!
Mark Graham
Keep Cell Antennas Away From Our Elk Grove Homes 

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How to use this newsletter

Dear Reader,

I am looking for some volunteers.  Will you join me?  A couple of hard core, dedicated people could double the impact this campaign is having.  There is more that we can do.  You might even enjoy it! 

The hyperlinks in this newsletter may work better if you view it in your browser. 

Please share this news with your friends and neighbors, especially parents of EGUSD students.  Please share this message and follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Next Door too. 

Also, please send me your cell phone number.  It will be easier for us to stay in touch.  I will only use it for purposes of this campaign and you can unsubscribe from that at any time. 

Together we are stronger.  Thank you.
Mark Graham 

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Rep. Thomas Suozzi slams FCC

Speaks up for residents and against new cell antennas
Responding to multiple requests from many of his constituents U.S. Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-NY) wrote to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on August 24, 2020 opposing the FCC’s rules overriding local government authority in order to spread of new 4G and 5G cell antennas in his district. Write to your Representative and Senators and ask them to write their own letters to the FCC.  Follow this hyperlink to find a copy of Suozzi’s letter to the FCC and a letter you can send to our Congressional leaders about this. 

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Write to the Elk Grove school board to prevent new 4G and 5G cell antennas near schools.

The Elk Grove school board meeting is Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. If you can email the board or write to them using their public comments form, before then or after, they will set your message.  Thank you for writing.  Even if you have written before, your opinion matters.  Your voice can and should be heard.  It’s like advertising; the same message (or similar) repeated, sinks in. 

Personalizing your message, like saying how long you have lived in Elk Grove or what schools your children attend, will make it stand out.

Follow this hyperlink to find a draft letter to personalize and send.

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Remote Learning and Radio Frequency Radiation


A podcast from the unstoppable Zen Honeycutt.

Zen is the Founder and Executive Director of Moms Across America.  In this episode, Ep. 71 – Remote Learning and Radio Frequency Radiationshe explains step by step how to hard wire your house for about $40 and a couple of hours of work, just once.  This will reduce your radiation exposure and improve your sleep, memory and well being from then on. 

On April 6, I told you about Mom’s Across America, led by Founder & Executive Director Zen Honeycutt. Moms Across America is a National Coalition of Unstoppable Moms.  From the beginning they have worked to educate people about healthy food choices, going organic and avoiding glyphosate.  That work continues but now they are also working on cell antennas. 

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Questions or recommendations?  Please get in touch! Write to Mark at (skip this part) keepcellantennasaway dot (skip this part) org

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Thanks for Subscribing  


City Council meetings and public comments

The next City Council meeting will be on Wednesday, September 23, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.  Are you as excited as I am about that?!

You can always email the Council and staff care of the City Clerk, Jason Lindgren, who will distribute your message to them.  His email address is

Elk Grove City Council meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month.  They are scheduled to begin at 6:00 and actually begin between 6:00 and 6:45.  They are held in the Council Chambers located at 8400 Laguna Palms Way across the street from City Hall.

Members of the audience can speak on any item on the agenda or on items not on the agenda. 

During the quarantine the Council Chambers are closed to the public during Council meetings.  The agenda describes the ways available for making public comments.  You can send in your comments in print or an mp3 audio file or you can email the City Clerk to call you during the meeting so that you can speak.  The best way it to make an audio file of your public comments, up to 3 minutes long, and send it to the City Clerk, whose email address follows. 

Ordinarily, when there is no virus, you can fill out a blue speaker card on the table at the back of the room and give it to the Assistant City Clerk, who sits at the front left of the room facing the audience.  

City Council meeting agendas are available on the City’s website.  You can also subscribe to be notified of new agendas, hearings, etc.  

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